Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Have you ever heard of High Dynamic Range photography? The first couple of times I saw an HDR photo I was kind of blown away without really knowing why. Then they got to be kind of all the same, a bit. Maybe a little fake. Plus I am not really a big believer in heavily editing photos with software, I like to see what I can achieve in-camera. Although I am marginally open to the idea in the future, for now it is a photography blindspot for me. Here's a Flickr group devoted to HDR to give you an idea of what it is. Gizmodo posted a pretty cool HDR motion capture video, though. I used to have a little 3 megapixel FujiFilm camera, a Finepix, and that camera took some amazing shots for whatever reason. None of these photos were altered in any way by me- they came out of the camera like that: DSCF2368


DSCF2361 I suppose the foregrounds would be a little better exposed if I edited them for HDR, but I like them fine. Spooky, Halloweenish. I took them at work one day many years ago now.

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