Monday, October 10, 2011

James Bond came up at dinner last night and once again I was forced to admit that I have never been much for James Bond. It's what the Pop Culture Happy Hour folks would call a pop culture blind spot, except when they discuss blind spots, they mean they're open to them, just that they've never really gotten around to them before. Me, no real desire to get into Bond, James Bond. Shaken, not stirred and all that. Maybe the Daniel Craig ones but they're hardly new so if it was important to me I would have done it before now. In high school I had many a geeky argument over why I just wasn't into Bond, preferring guys like Indiana Jones. Bond was sophisticated, rich and cultured- probably the type to use an Oxford comma like I just didn't. Indy wasn't any of those things and I sure as hell wasn't either! If not shaving's good enough for Indy it's good enough for me goddammit. And so forth.
Other Pop Culture Blind Spots- Twilight. No surprise there, and I'm not the target demographic so no one gets hurt over that one.
Arcade Fire- Michelle and I both are marginally open to them, supporting Canadian (mostly) music and all, but so far we don't really get it.
Dexter was one but we just started watching the first season and are suitably hooked so cross that one off the list.
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