Friday, October 28, 2011

The Edmonton Examiner is one of those small, free community newspapers that mainly focus on neighbourhood feelgood stories. My buddy emailed me and said Pallas was on the cover of the newest one, undoubtedly that same photo from the Sun, unless she did a photoshoot she didn't tell us about, but ours didn't have it. It boggles the mind but apparently there are completely different versions printed up for different regions of the city. Anyways, if yours has my daughter on the cover could you save it for us? Cheers.
In other news, Glen Weldon asks Who's the Spookiest Super Villain? He makes a good point about lab coats.
I'll say this about my little qwerty Samsung phone- you can drop it down a flight of stairs, watch it bounce, hit the floor, skid several feet and it will still work. Pretty sure my wife's new iPhone 4S that I got her for early Christmas wouldn't survive the experience. Though to be sure, Pallas once dunked my Mom's iPhone in coffee and it was able to be saved with some professional CPU CPR. My reason for brining this up, though, other than to brag about the fact I got my wife a 4S for Christmas, is to express surprise that Samsung is currently outselling Apple in the Smartphone war.

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