Sunday, March 09, 2003

Calgary is a fine city, but coming home today I realized (anew) how much I love Edmonton. It's my home. Had a good weekend though, the wedding was very Matrimonial and all, saw some old friends, and, umm, I guess that was about it. I'm proud to say I didn't get lost once.
After I got home I had an hour to get ready to speak at Lister Hall, a residence at the U of A. They had a church service in the Ship, which is the bar in Lister, and I was the pastor, so to speak. That went well- I like speaking/preaching, and some would even say I am good at it. I used as my theme or template or whatever, a quote I read on someone's blog once (if I can find the URL I'll link to it- and here it is): "You speak of resurrection, you tell your own stories, you wear your own scars." So I basically talked about two aspects of the Christian walk- the good (stories, John 10:10) and the bad (scars, Matthew 11:28, 29). So I delved into darkness a bit, but I lightened the mood by telling a story about pee (uhh, ask me about it in person) and I even put in a plug for Pooing in the Woods. Well, not really, but I had to explain what blogs were so I could use the quote and attribute it properly. Anyways, kind of a busy weekend, and sadly I missed a Gathering service for the first time in ages, but now I will go and relax some.

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