Tuesday, March 18, 2003

I started reading Snow Crash the other day- it's pretty good so far. It's by Neal Stephenson who wrote The Diamond Age which I blogged about a lot a while ago. About a lot a while ago. Clumsy, but catchy. I pooed in Pete Poland's potty. Some alliteration for you. Anyways, back to the literary critique. Well, I can't really critique something I only started, other than to say Neal Stephenson is brilliant (the main character's name is Hiro Protaganist), but I will recommend to you The Golden Compass, which I finished finally. That's the armoured poolar bear book. I can't believe no one thought of writing a book about armoured bears before. So go read it, it's good. As I recall, there was more than just bears in it. In fact, the bears might have been secondary. There are two more books in the series which I will have to pick up someday- undoubtedly the bears will have more of a prominent role in those ones.

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