Monday, February 24, 2003

Hey Hey Hey Homie Bear
So I heard the Grammies were on last night or something. Well, no offense to any of you out there who may have won one, but the Grammies=poo. What really matters are the Homies, and I have one to hand out today. But first, a story.
Last week I went and saw Daredevil with the members of 7DF, like I mentioned earlier. Afterwards they were talking about the upcoming Gathering service, and how excited they were for it, since they woud be bringing the noiz (in the parlance of our times). Dino was like, "You're gonna be there, right? We got a special band surprise, you're gonna love it." And I told him that I'm ALWAYS there, but they needed even more reassurance, so I started to Suspect That Something Was Up. I started thinking that maybe they would play a KoRn song, maybe Mike would even learn the bagpipes this week so they could play Shoots and Ladders or Dead. But this theory didn't really hold water, for although they have been known to cover some pretty great tunes, KoRn's songs don't particularly lend themselves to a church worship service.
Last night finally arrived, and as always, I almost forgot to show up on time (one of these days it will sink in that we start at 6 now- it's only been three months already). The boys started with one of my favorites- Light Us Up. The first lyric could almost be my motto- "Wanna be a saint, living like a whore, just a bag of bones on this desert floor". And they played many more Tunes of Excellent and Enduring Quality, notably Wild Cherry Napalm which saw Dino give us his best impression of Flea, and I have to say, Flea himself would have been impressed. Heck, I even found myself not minding Shrove Tuesday, now that I can get past my dislike for the word shrove.
But the Surprise- wow what a surprise. They wrote a song for me!!!!! And by me I mean Homie Bear!!!!! Pooing in the Woods now has a theme song, and a mighty fine song it was, too, with In-Depth and Mythical Lyrics, to quote Mike's Factual Description, and the rollicking, frolicking music backed up by a Thundering Drum Beat courtesy of Blu. They wanted to encourage me, and that they did. Plus they made me laugh, which I always appreciate. Wow. My own theme song. So cool. I'll poost the lyrics later when I get them. But thanks, guys, you made my day. No my year.
So, the Homie Award for Best Song Ever goes to . . . Seven Devil Fix for Hey Hey Hey Homie Bear!!

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