Thursday, February 20, 2003

Look at me being all poolific. That means I write a lot. Four poosts today (though one was suppoosed to be for Oilers Poondits but anyways) PLUS I actually wrote something semi-serious, in my other guise as Tror Orcboot, this name came courtesy of Scotty by way of the LOTR random name generator. I have more personae than Marshall Mathers, man. Anyways, the Orcboot piece is over at my church's website, check it out if you want, the actual article is here. I used to write for that Excellently CSS-Scripted-by-Ninjas Site more often, but I've found myself neglecting that for this here pooblog. They've been doing a lot of rebuilding and stuff, so much of the content is still offline, but it is a fine site. Want to contribute? Can you write? Send my friend Scotty Superhero an email. He can be reached through the website you'll be at as soon as you're done reading this, right? You can comment on the article here if you like, and also the point of this particular series of articles is that people can comment on them and they will then be grafted into the article, sort of like a commenting system too. So do that too if you want.

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