Sunday, October 19, 2003

So, the gauntlet was thrown down by my sister the other day in regards to the bloggiversary contest- I believe she said something to the effect of "I'ma kick alla yer asses." Brave talk, to be sure. She IS the pooet laureate, though, so she has a right to talk a little smack. However, gabrielle has submitted TWO amazing entries, and to be honest, it's looking pretty good for her- I mean, the title of her poem alone is almost good enough to win (bearing in mind that there are multiple categories):


Close your eyes
darkness presses close as a lover
and the darkness outside is forgotten
You can pretend it isn’t there
it won’t find you
it isn’t hunting you with preternatural precision
through the dark
Your self-imposed sanctuary under the stars
blankets you with anonymity
you are safe here
though your limbs shiver with cold
There won’t be a sound when it arrives
no crunching of crusted snow
no rustling of winter-laden branches
just silence
heavy and deep as the darkness behind your lids
There won’t be anything
except quite suddenly a blow
a locomotive to the side of your head
and wet cushioning where you fall
No snuffling
predatory warning
Just the sinking precision of fangs
into your flesh
into your pulsing panicking vein
There won’t be pain
just a thick rushing as your blood spurts out
into the breathless mouth of that which hunts you now
You know you’ll be drained
white and limp
between the thick limbs that should give warning
must make noise
There will be nothing left in you to throb
with fear
the fangs withdrawn
the blood stilled
And you’ll watch the silent ambling shape
carved of marbled fur
ivory limbs
animated death between sentinel trees
vanish impossibly into nothing
You’ll die
But for now you’re safe
behind your own eyes
and the vampire bear is just a myth

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