Wednesday, April 02, 2003

I just got back from playing Lord of the Rings Risk. And I totally won, as I always do, even though I rolled a Phenomenally Anomalic number of 1's and 2's. It's to be expected that I would win though, since the all the other guys were pooheads. However, I do not recommend any of you go out and buy this game- it isn't really that great. It comes with a One Ring but it doesn't even turn you translucent, so it's pretty much useless. And the map doesn't show Gondor or Mordor, which seems kind of strange considering it's a game about the conquest of Middle-Earth. Those two countries strike me as the two most strategically important territories in all of Middle-Earth.
But that reminds me- only 242 days or so till The Return of the King. Here is a link to some alternate casting choices for the movies. The Gollum one is funny, the rest are actually kind of dumb, but it shows how poofect the real cast is. And let me see if I can find the JarJaromir link that was all over the net a couple months ago. Oh look- there it is.
By the way I found a copy of The Silmarillion the other day in a used bookstore for three dollars. My parents have an edition with a big fold-out map, but at least now I have my own copy. It's in the same style as the old LOTR set I have so that made me happy -the Unwin/Magnum versions prevalent in the '70's. (Anyone else have that set? The covers are really drab but I have a sentimental attachment to them.)
My Dad once told me they were going to name me Frodo. Luckily they forebore. Homie Bear is a fine name.

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