Wednesday, April 30, 2003

So the new guy moved in a few days ago. And although it would make for far more interesting writing if he was some sort of psycho, he is (regrettably) a really nice guy. His name is Matt. He told me he was expecting a package in the mail, and this morning the doorbell rang and it was our mail female. She had a package, but it was addressed to Kyle W________. Momentarily confused, I tell her that maybe my new room-mate's first name is Kyle and he goes by his middle name or something, so I tell her I'll go down and see. He wasn't in his room, and I didn't realize he had just stepped out onto the pootio to have a smoke. So I tell her I didn't know, but that we get a lot of mail here for people who don't live here, so she decides not to leave the package. She gives me a slip in case it is Matt's after all, and leaves. Matt steps back inside three minutes later, and I tell him what happened, and he says that Kyle is his buddy. So I feel bad, but no harm done because he can still just go to the poost office and pick it up.
Later today the phone rings, and it's for James. Now thoroughly confused, I say "I don't think a James lives here, but I'll just check. . ."
And the lady on the line says, "James B_________" And the weird thing is, B_________ is a name I know well, from Hinton. It's the very distinctive name of a native family. So I say, "No, I know that name, and he doesn't live here, sounds like he's from Hinton."
And she says, "I was expecting him to be on the reservation actually." She confirms that she dialed the right number, and that's about all she can do. But now I am very confused, and can just imagine the following conversation:
"Hello, James B_________ please."
"Sorry, he doesn't live here."
"And yet my colleague Detective J_________ called earlier and said you knew the name."
"Yeah, well, I'm from a small town and the name rang a bell. But I don't know him."
"I see. Well, Mr. . . .?"
"Bear. Homie Bear."
"Well, Mr. Bear, I find it very odd that you happen to know the name of a known fugitive who left your number as his forwarding info, and yet you profess not to know him. Perhaps I'll send a squad car down to question you a little further."
"Uhh, that won't be necessary, I think my new room-mate Matt knows where he is, why don't you call his cell?"

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