Monday, April 28, 2003

Now that Pooing in the Woods is an international phenomenon, I've had some interesting search referrals. Aside from the plethora of sickos looking for pictures of girls/women/boys/old ladies pooing (here's the picture you're looking for, perv, now get outta here), I've had people drop by looking for "art of the country of chad". Sorry, he's not here- I'm Nathan of the country of Canada. Then there was "meaning of unilingual" which is a fair question, especially as the searcher apparently has not yet achieved unilingualism.
These ones are particularly intriguing, I wonder what they were hoping to find- probably not a pooblog, that's for sure:
"Canada and movie and seniors and bus and lost" Sounds like a blockbuster.
"rollicking+frollicking+camelot" Thanks for stopping by, Blaine!
"how to speak like a homie" Homes, if you need to search the web to find this out, you ain't no homie.
and my favorite (so far): "Two Towers bootleg subtitles forgot glasses"

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