Saturday, April 26, 2003

The Yak Song
I like yaks. Do you like yaks? In Tibet, me and Richard made up a little song about yaks. It went like this:

I went out back to tend my yak
he wasn't there I checked the shack
Then I saw him on the track
I cut him up and had a snack
And that's the end of my yak named Jack
Yum yum yum

I found yak meat to be surprisingly tasty, especially with a side order of naan, sort of an Indian version of a tortilla, and yak milk and yak ice cream were also very yummy. Tibetan Buddhists, with their utmost reverence of all living things, make use of a yak in much the same way some First Nations cultures used a buffalo, not wasting anything. So the wool goes to make clothing, the poo for fertilizer, and of course the meat for eating.
Do you know what a yak/cattle hybrid is called? A kayak. Hee hee I so funny. Just kidding. It's actually called a dzo.

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