Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Updating the Poolinks
It seems like the Cubicle Dweller has been evicted from his cubicle, so until he gets his website back, I have replaced his link on the left with that of a fellow Edmonton blogger who dropped in and left a dropping the other day. I've looked at her blog and it has some pretty funny stuff, and some nice pictures too, many of which are of the U of A campus. Nice to see some local bloggers that I don't know. As far as I can tell, her name is Crazy White Girl with a Keyboard. So greetings, Miss Keyboard.
Also, it turns out that a China blog I read from time to time, Big White Guy, is written by an ex-Edmontonian! I didn't know that. Us Edmontonites are everywhere, I guess. My sister is of course an ex-Edmontonian who now lives in Mexico.
Rinlee, who is from Edmonton's ugly twin sister city of Calgary (OK, to be fair, Calgary is more like the beautiful twin sister who always wears too much makeup), used to have a blog but she no longer seems to update it, or does she? If it turns out she does, I will gladly add a link to her blog too. Hint hint.

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