Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Just over an hour to go . . .
. . . I can't believe how excited I am. I'm still pretty sick, though, but that's quite alright. Feeling like poo while watching the Oilers in the playoffs is still better than being 100% healthy and them missing the playoffs. So good luck, boys. You might need it. And good luck to the Senators, too- they are a fine team out of the East, I think they will go far, and I know Erica will be cheering them on tonight from Ottawa. Sadly, the two games are on at the same time, so I will be unable to watch them both. Not to complain too loudly though, I know my sister is very very sad that she will be unable to see even a single game this playoff year, as ice hockey is not a very popular sport in Mexico for some reason. But she is doing her best to change all that, as she details in her blog.
And for you non-hockey fans of the world (are there any?), I am currently reading the Virgin Suicides. I haven't seen the movie, but the book is fairly interesting. At first I wasn't too sure, what with the mafia and secret tunnels (I was like, can't anyone write a book without the mafia anymore?) but then I saw it was all about the sisters, and everything else was just a vehicle. Or something like that- I have to finsh reading it before I know for sure.

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